favorite quote?

Mine is when Paul is in the video store and he picks out "when Harry met Sally" and the video clerk says "do you really think you can maintain a rod while watching Billy Crystal"



i have a few, i love this movie...

Dora Diamond: Do you have a girlfriend?
Paul Tannek: Ex-girlfriend. She lost weight, so she's dating a lot more now.

Paul Tannek: Do you think you could turn it down just a skosh?
Chris: A skosh? What the hell is that?

Paul Tannek: What was that?
Dora Diamond: A kiss.
Paul Tannek: You call that a kiss?

ok the last one is very corny, but i'm sorry its just so damn cute! long live loser, lord knows i've got one of my own! ;)


yeah!! I really loved this movie too!! I hope more films like this will be released!


I LOVE this line....always makes me laugh...i hope they dont really exist!!

Paul : My mother tried to help me be cooler,so she went to Sears, where they take the guesswork out of exposing underpants.


Edward Alcott: Dora we're going to a dinner, not a foxhunt!

Hollywood's like a dryer and were down on Sunset Strip- Bad Apples


"Well if Kofka were alive, he'd say stop misinterpreting my novels you pretentious bonehead!"


I can't remember the name of the movie they were talking about, but I always laugh my ass off at the line about Harvey Keitel's full frountal nude scene, and how "that guy is all wiener, even on the small screen, that's gonna hurt you"

By the way, what movie were they talking about?



lol yeah they were talking about 'The Piano'. David Spade's whole part was heaps funny :P


Professor Edward Alcott: You know, I have this crazy philosophy that your grades should represent your grasp of the material and not your negotiating skills, which are amazing, by the way.


"Take a coupl'a mickies. Yeah, Mickey Mouse classes"

"You can't just come over here with pizza and a movie unless......."unless what?"

"Unless you mean it."

Look at the way the last scene was filmed with all the bottles and stuff in the background between Dora and Paul, that's classic!


I love the dialouge after Dora finally wakes up in Paul's room.

Paul: And you need to take this. [hands her a little medicine container]
Dora: Charcoal?
Paul: So I can light a fire in your heart.



Paul: Has anyone anyone seen my toothbrush?
Chris: You cant find it? *beep* You better find it, those things can cost up to 2.50!
Noah: And yours had such a nice handle

Chris: Annie! Its truth or dare! I had to tell them, thats how you play the game!

Paul: You going to be a farmer? In New York?
Cupid Shot Me In The Ass With a Poison Dart! - Don Vito


"First of all, I am way too wasted to be operating heavy machinery..."

haha, fat people are funny


"Interested is interesting"...


I always crack up when they say "dust"...


I loved the whole video store scene...

"Can you maintain a rod and watch Billy Crystal? Don't feel bad - no one can"


"The Piano...bad idea...full frontal on Harvey Keitel. That dude's 90% wiener! Even on the small screen that'll hurt you"

or the ever classic...(when they were talking about O'Brian dying...)

Paul: Man, I feel bad I didn't get to know him better.
Noah: Yeah, that would have saved him!

(For some reason I crack up every time I see it)

Anyone who runs...is a VC
Anyone who stands still...is a well-disciplined VC
