Trolls lowering episode ratings??

Has anyone else noticed this? Ballad of Fallen Angels, for example, has gone from a 9.3 to an 8.9 in the past five days..... IMDB won't do anything about this? Are people creating fake accounts? Seems that way.


It's now at 8.8 less than 15 hours later. Waltz for Venus also down to 8.6. RFB Part 1 at 8.3??


Yeah, it's trolls. As for whether or not IMDb does anything about it, who knows. It's not like the show's acclaim and reputation are going to be endangered by it.


Maybe the One Punch people are pissed that they're at 29 and Bebop is at 28? Even still, it's an Internet list. I'm like...get a life. Do these people have nothing better to do with their day? That's sad.

But you're right, episode ratings on IMDB controlled by Internet trolls will certainly have no affect of the show's acclaim.


I wouldn't be surprised, you should see the war going on between Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad. There was a point where their episodes' ratings went down like 10-20 points due to each fanbase wanting their show to be the top dog.


Every episode of this show was great in one way or another. Don't let the trolls sway you.

Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, and My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic fan
