What makes Spike cool?

I never understood why people refer to Spike as a cool character. Its been a while since I've seen the show but I remember him yelling and complaining a lot; he would walk with his hands in his pockets and his head to the ground as if he lacked confidence. How is it he tops nearly every "coolest anime characters" list? What makes him cooler than the likes of L Lawliet or Alucard?

Why, I resent that innuendo!


I don't get why Spike is considered so cool. He was such a tortured soul, but he did hide it most of the time behind a devil-may-care attitude. Maybe that's considered cool, not caring about anything and remaining calm in dangerous situations. I always thought that if Spike is cool, his coolness came at a terrible price.



It's torturous, you *beep*

Anyone want a donut?



Why did you make another account to say the same thing?
Why did you say what you said?
Are you "special"?



Why did you make another account to say the same thing?
Why did you say what you said?
Are you "special"?

They must be very "special." Imagine not knowing the difference between tortuous and tortured, and even mentioning the dictionary. Tortuous is defined in Merriam-Webster as marked by repeated twists, bends, or turns OR marked by devious or indirect tactics. Tortured is defined in Merriam-Webster as anguish of mind or body. Now I grant that Spike may have some devious and indirect tactics that he makes use of, but since he also has a lot of emotional pain, I would say that Merriam-Webster bears me out when I call him a tortured soul.





Then you must be the only one to ever watch Bebop, you special person you, not to also see that Spike has a lot of emotional pain over Julia.



I disagree with your interpretation of his stance. From what I could tell, it wasn't lack of confidence, just part of his boredom and unsurety that the life he was living wasn't in fact just a dream.

As to why is he considered cool, you'd first have to define cool and that's where you enter the subjective.

Why is he considered cool by so many people on the other hand? I think it's because he's an expert but not infallible fighter with a very plausible and earthly past who takes everything with a grain of salt.



Lighting cigs with flamethrowers. That makes him look even cooler.

You spilled my egg. I needed that egg.


I think Spike was a cool badass. He kicked peoples' asses... had cool skills as well.

I'm scrappy and inquisitive.


And he's funny as hell!

Three... two... one... Tiger & Bunny Over and Out.


In my mind, I love him because he's an unrelenting romantic. That level of commitment should be appreciated.

Movie reviews (and news) with passion and spirit!


That's true, Realjas. I loved that story Spike told about the tiger-striped cat. You really got how he felt about Julia-she was his white cat and he would never be happy without her.



I disagree with pretty much everything you said about him.

He's refined, charming, funny and oozes style. The ladies love him. He's self confident (he knows he's good), and well .. cool. It doesn't hurt that he could kick your ass. But well there's just nothing about him that isn't cool that I can think of.


He's the ultimate existential hero. Cowboy Bebop is all about (french) existentialism, which is why the show is so poignant and compelling.


He is cool because of how he reacts.
In a sense he is depressed, life for him stopped when he left the syndicate "I am just watching a dream i can never wake up from". Thus he is kinda cold towards others, never truly able to connect to them.
He is cool because of how he reacts to danger or opposition. Never backing down or being scared, because he believes he is already dead, or is simply not believing that its real.
