MovieChat Forums > Pearl Harbor (2001) Discussion > So nobody smoked in the war?

So nobody smoked in the war?

Whatever you think about smoking it's a fact that in the 40's a lot of people smoked especially those in the forces awaiting combat. Yet in Pearl Harbour we don't see one person smoking! PC gets in the way of historical accuracy again.


Pearl Harbor did a heck of a lot more historically wrong than not showing people smoking, but yeh, that generation is the last in which nearly 50% of the US adult population smoked and they smoked just about everywhere and all the time, even though by the '40s it was becoming pretty clear that cigarette smoking was harmful.

I only have one person on ignore, but I've had to ignore him 625 different times.


I've watched a large number of films on TCM and almost all of them from the 30's into the 60's show people smoking.

You can't retroactively apply prejudices to a time period when they did not exist.

The vilification and persecution of smokers did not start until the late 70's early 80's.

I'd rather smoke than contract an STD. According to medical reports, one in three have an STD. While they are all self-righteously patting themselves on the back for not smoking, they have brought something far more insidious and destructive into their bodies and then spread it to others. There aren't any "second hand" STDs.


Maximus Decimus Meridius


I have to agree with you. The movie has no problem showing casual sex, drinking, wartime mutilation and do on. But smoking? That's Satan right there.


Actually, smoking is still one of the worst things you could do, but is only seen as an "accepted" thing because it's disguised as being something "OK" and because it's so common.
It's really not about someone's choice about doing it to themselves, apart from parents and their children, or if it's other loved ones, who cares?? It becomes way worse when the chemicals come out of those people and embed themselves in the oxygen, in fabrics, even on dust-particles we breathe in all day... Yea, thanks for that cancer and shortened lifespan, smokers!
Not only thát, it also supports a disgusting industry that damages our planet, something worse than even the entertainment-industry.

And drinking isn't far from it. It's not nearly as bad, but still it's basically legalized poison. Cause you'd just flatout die if you'd drink a bottle of certain drinks.

I'm not making any excuses for the other things you've mentioned, of course not. (Although, casual sex, at least with a condom, shouldn't be a big deal, even if I don't choose it for myself.) And I also think it's ridiculous that they left out all the smoking, just because it's a more "modern" film. Why? To make it more "PG"?... That's just dumb indeed.

But still, smoking, or the substance, the effects of it to both humans and the environment, is underestimated. I can definitely see why a studio or some rating-board or whatever wouldn't approve of it. But it seems that in this case they overdid it by just wiping the whole thing clean of it, which is completely unrealistic, even if the movie took place TODAY (2015, although to a lesser extent).


I just don't agree with with their decision, that's all. I don't want to get into a big debate over which is more 'evil', smoking or drinking because there are lots of points on both sides because this is a movie board.
If they're trying to do history it should all be shown. The pretty and the not so pretty.


Do you drive a car? Thanks for all the cancer. Do you use electficity? Thanks for all the cancer. Do you use synthetic materials in your life? Thanks for the cancer. Industry creates massive amounts of pollution in the air, water and soil which causes way more "second hand" deaths than cigarette smoke ever could.

Life is pain. Anyone who says differently is selling something.


The movies from the 30s - 60s showed people smoking because the actors smoked themselves, and have no problem with it. Times have changed. I see it as an unnecessary detail.




and the Japanese had a calendar printed in English?


They also didn't show anyone going to the bathroom but you don't think nobody went to the bathroom in 1941 do you?

Why do we sing Take Me Out to the Ballgame when we're already there?


There should have been someone smoking in almost every scene of the movie. Almost half the adult population smoked, over half of adult men smoked. The government issued cigs to soldiers in the field. They were everywhere.

Life is pain. Anyone who says differently is selling something.


I could've sworn I saw one person smoking in this movie, after the attack sequence but it's been too long a time since I saw this movie, either way you're right. Today, even if one character was smoking it'd probably get an R rating as the MPAA doesn't take that type of stuff lightly as they used to.


who cares? So the actors were not required to smoke, why do you even care? Why is that detail so important? How does it drive the plot even one bit?


I'm glad they didn't. I love old films and the way the women look in them but the constant smoking is gross.
