My take on the triology (and the order) *SPOILERS*
I was introduced to Wong Kar Wai's films recently and I've been blown away by how beautiful they are. I actually watched 2046 first, not knowing it was a trilogy, and really enjoyed it but was a bit taken aback by all of the references and feeling like I was missing so many details. At first this was disappointing, but then I found the other two, and watched Days of Being Wild second and then In the Mood For Love third. I must say now I think that perhaps by a sheer stroke of luck that was the best order I could've seen them in. Even though it messes up some of the chronology, Days of Being Wild is kind of the "outlier" of the three in my opinion, and since it really seems to be about introducing the empty playboy type who Leung's character eventually becomes (due to not being able to have his one true love) it doesn't really matter if you watch it first. Then seeing In the Mood for Love third allows you to get a sense of the "build-up" to Leung starting as a gentleman and romantic at heart who later (in 2046) becomes a playboy because he can't love someone else like Su Li-zhen. So in a weird way, I almost feel like watching the trilogy in a 3-1-2 order works quite well, because it's almost like as a the viewer you are as disoriented and "lost" as Chow Mo-wan is and then watching In the Mood for Love third allows you to "remember" what he was like in the beginning. I know this sounds somewhat strange, but that's my theory and I wonder if anyone agrees. Like I said even if it messes up the chronology as far as dates it doesn't really matter because "time" is not really what the movies are about, it's more about feelings and "time" only really matters in that it holds those memories; when they happened isn't as important as what happened. Any thoughts on any of this?