MovieChat Forums > 2046 (2004) Discussion > So whats the big political message?

So whats the big political message?

1. China takes over Hong Kong in 1997,

2. The Chinese government decreed that Hong Kong would remain unchanged (i.e., not shifting from its self-governed capitalist lifestyle) for fifty years, meaning until the year 2046.

3. Room 2046 has bad/good memories and death;

4. He moves to Room 2047

5. the father finally relents to his Chinese daughter marrying a Japanese....


My guess is that there is no political message.


Any political message would have to be inferred by the person making the inference. Which means that that person would be projecting, reading in, and could well be right or wrong.

But I don't see anything from Wong Kar-Wai that indicates any political intent.
