MovieChat Forums > Malcolm in the Middle (2000) Discussion > Lois ABSOLUTELY is 'that bad' and more!

Lois ABSOLUTELY is 'that bad' and more!

Lois is not that bad, 'considering how horrible the kids are'? Did you ever consider the REASON why the kids are 'horrible', and do you really think psychotic abuse is OK if you rationalize it with 'your victim is horrible'?

Things don't happen in a vacuum on an island somewhere. There is a REASON for everything. I wonder if you are able to understand..

Let's look at some quotes, first.

"There is no such thing as a bad student. Only a bad teacher."

"It's not the dog, it's the human behind the dog."

If the wisdom of these quotes do not quite reach you, let's examine what Louis does as a mother and as a parent.

1) She is EXTREMELY abusive. Yelling to your kids is child abuse, this is a fact.

2) Her punishments are ridiculous and ineffective, plus sometimes too brutal as well. She doesn't know how to scale, adjust and tailor the punishment to the kid's level, age and personality.

3) She doesn't encourage, show compassion, caring or constructive language to her kids.

4) She actually gets ANGRY, and screams to her kids WHEN ANGRY. A parent should know better than that, and never let their emotions dictate what they do with their kids. (Love is not emotion, by the way)

5) She doesn't create or have a structure, like a daily schedule for the children.

6) She doesn't have a proper punishment structure, that is consistent and predictable, as a good parent should.

7) She doesn't ask / let the kids help in daily chores. It's either she does them alone or demands the kids do something by themselves, never 'together as a family'.

8) She is almost always angry, and USES the children as a channel to abusively explode that anger onto them. The kids are IN FEAR. They are actually AFRAID of their own mother.

Think about THAT before you say the kids are horrible or that Lois is not that bad.

9) She doesn't ask for professional help, knowing the whole family is a mess. She just keeps going and lets things happen, AND lets her massive EGO make decisions about her family. This is extremely childish and un-adultlike in any case.

10) She doesn't lay down the rules and explain them clearly, together with the consequences - CALMLY and rationally.

11) She doesn't LISTEN to the kids, but yells as them even when they are innocent (like when Reese learned math but the mom doesn't believe it, because he got an F - I think it was because the teacher is bad), and just assumes and assumes some more. There is no COMMUNICATION in the family.

The episode where they tried to figure out a perfect punishment for Reese was funny, and it worked.. somewhat. However, it was still wrong, and bad parenting. They should have realized punishment is not about the kid caring about something (although taking away entertainment, consoles, etc. can be part of it), but about BOREDOM.

Every single kid from 0 to 12 _HATES_ boredom. Most teens and even young adults hate it, but some of them have learned to cope at some point, and even except it (except in modern times, when no one can handle even one second of boredom, but I actively seek it out - it's harder to find than you'd think, even staring at a wall I can get interesting thoughts and ideas).

Boredom is the most effective punishment, because it's just so ... well, boring. One minute per year of age is usually the best norm for this. So make sure the kid is bored that long every time, and incorporate an apology into the routine every single time - they HAVE to apologize, or the punishment resets.

Using anger or emotions when trying to control or punish something is abusive and childish - I would even say 'unprofessional', but it doesn't really fit to parenting, since parents are usually not professional parents.

Parents like Lois rather AVOID dealing with the 'bad stuff', so they try to control with emotions, and this doesn't work.

They should just bite the bullet and go through the hell the kids are going to smack you with at first, because the hell will subside and the kids will learn to behave. Sure, it's annoying to listen them scream when you put them back to the naughty corner every time, but after this has happened enough times, the kid will learn screaming doesn't help, and stop it. Among other positive developments.

Louis is definitely bad - she's a bad mom, she's a bad parent, she's a bad wife, she's a bad human being, she's a bad family member and she's a bad adult. Q.E.D.


Remember the episode when the Boys stole from the Church? I think her punishment at the end was appropriate.
