Rowan is annoying

The major reason I hated this installment is Rowan, then it's the cheesy script.
Horror movies suck now is because there is too much political correction in them. Oh, and the gun-toting slutty cyborg, forget it man. The chicks-with-guns fetish is really getting stale now. Nope, women are not superior to men, it's fantasy. Time to respect both sexes for a change.

"I'm going to really enjoy this."

- Jud, The Badass Indian


"The chicks-with-guns fetish is really getting stale now. Nope, women are not superior to men."

1) 'Now'? When ... 2014 (the time of your post) or 2001 (the time the movie was released?

2) The character is not a woman. It's a cyborg. Could have looked like a man, or Oscar The Grouch ... your comments about women vs men in terms of strength do not apply.

'Then' and 'than' are completely different words and have completely different meanings.
