Last Play of Championship

I have watched alot of football and still can't understand the reaction of the opposing coach. He could not understand why the Titans were showing a pass play with little time on the clock and about 75 yards to go. I am pretty sure that situation calls for a pass, yet Ed Henry seems surprised and asks why they are lining up for a pass. Granted the play works as an end run off a passing formation, but I still cant understand the dialogue by the coach
Any thoughts?


Actually, he was confused that they brought in Rev, a quarterback, then lined up in a run formation. They were running a "fake" 23 Blast, which is running back up the 3-hole (off left tackle), with the backside reverse. They would probably have expected some sort of double pass or other misdirection, but weren't ready for a straight up reverse with the QB pulling out to block. If they were in a deep pass defense, there would have been a lot of room past the line to get blockers down field and make room for Rev to get outside.

What struck me as unbelievable about it was that they showed Sunshine blowing up the defensive backs and not even stumbling, much less falling down!

"If I PayPal you a dollar, will you buy some punctuation?" --Anonymous


Sunshine blew up a D-lineman earlier in the movie. I thought it was established that the pretty boy was a machine on the field.
