What is a shiver push?

When Gerry says to Julius, "Shiver push on the line everytime and you blow right past 'em," etc. What is a shiver push?


I'm not sure, I used to think he was talking about a person (passing Julius) until I found out what he was saying and after that I just figured it was a play or a move.

I looked it up and found this blog http://thedilettantesdilemma.blogspot.com/2010/09/remember-titans_07.h tml and they say whatever a "shiver push" is they show it between Bands 9 and 11 on the dvd. I don't have it but I do own the VHS, I might watch it soon and see if I can figure it out.

Rest in peace Sullivan Walker. A distinguished, underappreciated, talented actor and a lovely man.


I thought he just said it fast and it was "shift or push"


you are right
"shift or push off the line"


I don't know what they said. However, a "shiver" as it relates to football is when a guy slams his forearm into a blockers chest so he can stun him and get past. The terms "shiver" and "forearm shiver" were used a lot when I was a kid.

My rhymes are so potent that in this small segment I made all of the ladies on IMDb pregnant.


Being a big fast superstrong defensive end, Julius was strong enough to throw off many opposing blockers with one arm -- a shiver push -- and then just blow by them and sprint into the backfield.

However when you do that, the blocker is still alive in the play, usually still on their feet and free to block somebody else like Bertier. While you're charging into the backfield, if they make a quick pitch or a counter play, you might be tackling some guy without the ball while the dude with the ball is rolling downfield with blockers in front of him.
