This Movie Played in School

When I was in high school, whenever the teacher decided to show a film in class it was this movie for some reason. It always bugged us that the school seemed to only have one movie in their library. Did anyone have the same experience?


I did. We watched this movie so much in high school haha.


Yep! We watched it in band, in several other classes and even in the auditorium as an assembly. I know I saw it at least 3-4 times a year in high school.


Same here. I watched it so much during school that I'd still never watch it again today if I could help it. It's weird how that works, isn't it? None of us went to school together, but we all share this experience.


Same here. It was played a lot. This movie and Rudy.


YES. I still love the movie, but holy crap did I see this a million times in high school. It was slightly justified in that our mascot was also the Titans, but it was pretty much like, oh, it's a slow day, have the whole school watch Remember the Titans again.

We sing in the choir together.
