This was a huge one-hour-and-half-WTF moment
No, i didn't want to watch porn Mr. Clark. Otherwise, i would've rent porn and i assure you it would've had a better storyline.
So... this movie was about NOTHING. Really. Take aside all the pornographic sex scenes and what do you get? A boring movie with no depth, no plot, no character exploitation, no nothing. Nada.
It was bizarre. I kept screaming at my screen WHAAAAT?
I don't mind the nudity, but i hate it when it's thrown into the mix without any context. Like for instance, near the end we get to see a threesome between Shawn, Peaches and Claude which comes into the picture out of the freaking blue! Just because. It's like they shot the scene and while editing they realized they had forgotten about it and decided to use it at the last moment.
Awful movie. AWFUL.
"I hold a PhD in Horribleness. See ya in the aftermath! PEACE!... but not...literally"