MovieChat Forums > Snatch (2001) Discussion > Why would Brick Top trust Mickey again? ...

Why would Brick Top trust Mickey again? Makes no sense.

Unless I missed something I don't understand why Brick Top would trust Mickey to go down in another fight after he messed up th first time. Why would he risk all that money again?

Love this movie btw.


My guess is that his intimidation tactics generally work very well so he didn't expect them to fail. He underestimated what the pikies were capable of.


Because the second time Micky knew the consequences of messing with Brick Top. The problem was, Brick Top didn't know Micky had a plan of his own.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:


He didn't have a choice and he figured after he had his mother's caravan burned that Micky wouldn't dare cross him.


Businesswise it would make the most sense because it seemed Bomber Haggers was the overwhelming favorite in the first fight, who Mickey got rid of too easily. In this fight, even with the risks, would be a boon for Brick Top and his associates if Mickey were to go down with the betting odds overwhelmingly in his favor now that he is known for his knockout. Simply put, he cant go with anyone else...


#1 its a gangster movie so its about creating a tense situation and one that involves rising stakes for all involved

#2 the character is a stone cold boss who is used to getting his way so the affront to his stature by Mickey blowing the first arrangement caused him to desire to manipulate them further to his bidding

#2 is all about ego and the kind of power hungry mindset that this fictional character is all about. Its not necessarily optimal business sense but then you could make the argument about the street talk being relevant. Someone crossed Bricktop and he made them pay and do his bidding in the end to boot.

Bricktop is the kingpin and its as much about fear and reputation being in charge as it is about making good decisions, plus for the sake of the fiction he's quirky, like when he kills both the disloyal Garry and then the snitch Liam at the beginning. He's kind of like a dragon that needs to be slain.

The idea behind these guys is they're sociopathic alpha males. Its as much about controlling people as its about making money and controlling markets.
