List of movies similar in style and feel to snatch.
Snatch is on my top 3 movies of all time list. Its one of those movies that i can watch any number of times and never get tired.
There is something about British crime movies that sets them apart from American crime gangster movies. Have been looking to watch as many British crime/gangster movies as possible but sadly people almost always recommend some scorcese/coppola movie for gangster movies.
From my search ,the movies i have come across which are similar in style and feel to Snatch are :
Lock Stock and two smoking barrels
Layer Cake
Sexy Beast
Long good Friday
Jack Says
Jack said
Jack Falls
Dead Man running
Sherlock Holmes ( found the humour similar to snatch, of course because of Ritchie)
Please add more movies to the above list.
I Never saved anything for the swim back !!!