MovieChat Forums > Snatch (2001) Discussion > Doenst it look too much like lock, stock...

Doenst it look too much like lock, stock + two smoking barrels?

I think Snatch is a nice movie, funny, crazy at times, but I think it looks too much like Lock, stock & two smoking barrels. And I really think lock, stock was better than Snatch. What do you think?


Richie uses a lot of the same actors in both movies, but I got a very different vibe from each one. Lock, Stock seem to be a kind of "coming of age" vibe with neophytes learning, sometimes the hard way, how the real world works, and snatch was a heist/gangster movie with everybody already grown up. The production values were similar and both movies had pretty dreary backdrops, so they are similar in some ways. I think Snatch is the better movie as its plot is simpler, and, IMHO, it is the much funnier film.


Snatch is better becuase the plot is simpler? You gotta love Adam Sandler movies then.

P.S. No bad feelings, I just had to say it.

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Complex situations are simpler to brighter people, I guess...


That's Ritchies style of directing. Many directors these days don't have a distinctive style, but Ritchie most certainly does.

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!


LS&2SB has the same actors, a crazy twist to the end, & both deal with British gangsters, but still completely different plots.
Which is better is per the person's perspective. Let's just say, I quote snatch more than LS&2SB.


How is the plot that much different? Many different groups of gangsters and low-lifes are after thesame mcguffin (the weed/the diamond), both movies feature sympathic losers vs mean gangsters, Vinnie Jones basically plays the same character in both movies! They both end with the losers owning the gangsters something and in both movies all the different parties meet at the same place towards the end of the movie: In LS2SB it ends in a big shootout, in Snatch they kill each other in a series of smaller engagements and car accidents. Both movies end with the narrators having the mcguffin and one of the third parties making unexpected profit (Big Chris in LS2SB, Micky and his gypsies in Snatch).


Yeah, thanx for making my point.


very similar.
both were pretty watchable.
I enjoyed Pitt's Snatch.
both are about a 6 for me.



Guy Richie has his own signature and like some one else has said here uses the same actors in his films.So its like saying all of Black Sabbath albums sound the same.

Personally I thought Snatch was a superior film but in the same breath I also enjoyed Lock,Stock.

Brads performance as the Pikey was great.The first time I watched Snatch I did not realise he was in it and when I first saw him I had took look twice before I realised it was him.

I like Brads choice for parts as he does not play it safe all the time.He takes risks and plays some off beat quirky roles like the stoner in True Romance and Fight Club.


The stoner in True Romance was Gary Oldman. But yes, his character here and his performance in Fight Club are both top-notch. I prefer his character in "Snatch" though. Badass

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Gary Oldman was the pimp. Brad Pitt was in the movie who showed up every now and then on drugs for no real reason from what I can remember.


Lock, Stock has a grainy, dark yellow hue to it, so I disagree.


Because that's the signature style of Guy Ritchie. I love both films equally. Its hard to choose between the two. I hope Guy returns to this style and also bring back his regulars like Statham, Jones, Flemyng and the others.


I agree with the poster above. Being similar to "Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels" is not a bad thing. Also I want Guy Richie to return to the "Snatch, LSaTSB and Rocken Roller" motif.


Where does Luca Brasi sleep?
