MovieChat Forums > Snatch (2001) Discussion > Funny?? You find this FUNNY??

Funny?? You find this FUNNY??

This film is about low-life, nasty, horrible people, the like of which, do actually exist in most city's in most countries. And for some reason, they seem to be revered. Why? What is it about these 'characters' that people find amusing? Gangsters and 'Pikey's' contribute nothing of worth to real life, and their inclusion in fiction serves little purpose too.
Sometimes gangsters can be represented with real humour, which makes them look cliched and funny/stupid -see -Star Trek- Monty Python.
But not in this film- its too realistic.
So- if you find this film funny, are you one of them?


Go back into the closet under the stairs and only come out when you know what the **** you're talking about....


Its not intended for everyone. Similar to how Satire pokes fun at serious social issues.

TERRIERS/The Chicago Code R.I.P
Broadcast TV is an Eminence front


Sometimes gangsters can be represented with real humour, which makes them look cliched and funny/stupid -see -Star Trek- Monty Python.
No that's dramatic humour, the humour in this movie is real. I have London acquaintances who have lived on the wrong side of the law and they're the most charismatic people you can meet. They tell their stories in a way you can't help but laugh. It may ruffle your feathers, frankly I don't care if it does it's your choice, but Guy Richie got the characters spot on in my opinion.

Yours sincerely, General Joseph Liebgott


This movie makes me laugh!

Huh huh! I likes it when they run!


So was The Godfather. What's your point?


@terryperring104 And for some reason, they seem to be revered. Why? What is it about these 'characters' that people find amusing?
I don't think "revered" means what you think it means.


Eh? Erm....




past tense: revered; past participle: revered

feel deep respect or admiration for (something).


@terryperring104 Erm... not the same as finding something amusing, is it?


they seem to be respected (revered) by people in the film and people like that get it in real life too. And sometimes people find them amusing and laugh at them. Two different things im talking about here. is that too much?


they seem to be respected (revered) by people in the film and people like that get it in real life too.

You are wrong. Fear =\= respect.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:


Tell me if you ever see a character like Bullet Tooth Tony in real life, then we'll talk.


The OP was probably just kidding around. This movie is hilarious and not intended for societal comparisons or moral commentaries.
