Anyone know the name of Jimi Hendrix song that the garage band plays?
Thanks in advance.
Anyone know the name of Jimi Hendrix song that the garage band plays?
Thanks in advance.
Hendrix doesn't have a peice that sounds remotely close to that. I'm alittle disappointed they didn't come up with something better. I was impressed however, that they called him 'James', which was his real name.
sharetrying to make him sound more "proper" for the social group chairwoman!
It starts off sounding kinda like a bad version of Foxy Lady, which was one of Jimi's first big hits. Whether that was what it was supposed to be, I'm not sure.
The effect of it isn't for the audience to go "Oooh, Hendrix song!" but for us to see the clash of generations between the raised-in-the-40s/50s mothers and their sons and daughters, who are all into the new counter culture, rock 'n' roll revolution.
it sounds nothing like foxy lady u need to get ur songs right