The 'Dishes' Twin, sort of...
Ok, so we in Canada have to suffer a bit of "dish envy"..
Anyway, was somewhat surprised to find that we do have
somewhat of a twin to the famous Parkes dish here in
Canada. It was built by the same company, using the
same design, but with a smaller dish due to having to
contend with our more severe weather (it's 46 meters).
And while a lot of us would like to make the trip to
Parkes, for those that can't, the Algonquin Radio Observatory
in Algonquin Park, Ontario Canada does have a 14 room
"hotel" that is open to the public. Anyone that's
interested can check it out:
(I have absolutely no connection to these folks, just
came across it and was intrigued by the identical
design out in the middle of nowhere).
Maybe us N. America bound fans of "The Dish" should
organize a screening in Algonquin?!