Well, I can only speak for myself, and I'm somewhat "mixed", in that half
my life spent in US, about 1/4 in Canada, the rest overseas, holed up with
road crews in buses, hotels, etc. And lot's of movie watching in lieu of
bad Japanese game show translation. I think most folks that appreciate
a good story, good characters, etc. would "get" The Dish. I've also watched
The Castle, and was a fan of Frontline when it shown here years ago. On the
west coast of Canada where I am, there's lots of Aussie's, Kiwi's, Brit's, etc.
that clamor for non-US entertainment. When I first moved here in the early
80's, the only channel that I could get on our island was the PBS channel
from Seattle, and every evening was non-stop British comedy, some of the
classics, and some fairly obscure, all put on the air because of the demand
from the locals. So, short of say the South Park crowd, I think it would
go over just fine here. They've shown it 6-8 times in the last year, so someone
must be watching!!