MovieChat Forums > The Dish (2001) Discussion > Working Dog Washed up

Working Dog Washed up

I read an article about working dog, and I have to agree, The Dish was a Lemon, Thank God you're here is one of the worst shows on Ten and that's saying somthing. They made the Castle, so they could afford to make the dish. Yet the castle is so much more popular than the dish.
The D gen rocked in the early ninties, and so did frontline, but as for now working dog is washed up. They're not pulling out good quality.
and that's it.


'The Dish' was pretty popular as is 'Thank God You're Here'. In fact, they've sold the 'Thank God You're Here' concept to a bunch of other countries.

Obviously you're entitled to not like them, but saying that they're washed up based solely on you're opinion is pretty stupid.


Geez, when did you have your humour gene removed...seriously if The Dish is a lemon and TGYH no good you must be really dissapointed with everything else that's been made in Australia.

I guess we can't all come up with the genius that is Full House lol.



I think TGYH and The Dish are fantastic. Working dog is great.

It's a Geoffrey Rush thing, you wouldn't understand! Captain of Team Barbossa




As you haven't posted on this board since you started this thread, you probably haven't seen any replies or won't see mine, but I can't agree with you.

The Dish was a lemon? Based on what? I thought it was a great film. TGYH is one of the funniest shows to appear on Oz TV for ages.

Washed up? Far from it. (in my opinion)


Working Dog Washed Up?! My God how wrong people can be!

Working Dog is probably the funniest and wittiest group in Australian Entertainment Industry! The Castle is one of the greatest movies to capture the Australian Spirit and the Dish does the same.

Thank God Your Here is probably one of the cleverest concepts in Australian Television, however it can only be as entertaining as the guests are funny.


While I haven't seen the other things you mentioned, the fact that you term The Dish "a lemon" makes your taste very questionable in my eyes.

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.
