Hi everyone! I'm desperately looking for a song in this movie. It's not on the soundtrack or in the end credits of the movie. It's heard when James Spader is looking for that homeless girl... and he visits her mother's house after the mother calls the police station. I appreciate any help! So please reply :) Thanks, Nicole


Man,been looking for that so too!So amazing!Doesn't anyone know all these songs?I gotta put my headphones on and try and catch the lyrics sometime..

"By revealing our weaknesses,we show our strength.That's the paradox of being human"


K,got some lyrics.I'm sure they're right,did a search on em on google and nothing came up!And the voice is known!It's gotta be a known band but even if it's not,how is it possible that there is NO trace of this song on the net?Something weird is going on.Won't someone help?

Lyrics:"Now it's over like it never was before....and I'm getting used to it"
And the chorus at one point goes " And I'm closing in,I'll shout and scream,I'm bursting out,Get away from me!"

Nothing anywhere!Been on all search engines I know.Nada!HELP!

"By revealing our weaknesses,we show our strength.That's the paradox of being human"
