Disliked this film because ...
... of the lack of plot twists.
... of the way only one of the women even tries to fight back.
... of the way Keanu doesn't even bruise where the one woman we see fight back hit him with an enormous radio/cassette. I had big bruises earlier this year and I was only hit by a hand.
... of the totally obvious product placement. Subtle it wasn't.
... of the music that seems to be a variation on the Dragnet theme. That seemed to trivialise the whole thing.
... the way Joel just seemed to shrug off his severe health problems as if they did not exist. I prefer programmes like Monk, where the lead character triumphs despite severe problems.
The acting was mostly good (am not sure what to make of Keanu), ditto the special effects. But what a waste of fossil fuel, all that dramatic fire for such a lousy script!
Don't dream it, be it.