This movie got bad reviews. Part of the problem, I suspect, was Keanu Reeves making it so clear that he was unhappy about appearing in it and had only done so with reluctance.
Also, it's hard when the hero is so downbeat. Spader gave a great performance but someone who is a depressed insomniac who suffers from violent attacks of migraine, vomits on camera and injects medication, as well as being foul-mouthed, irritable and bad-tempered doesn't necessarily gain audience sympathy. However, as the movie progresses and we see in flash-back what happened to get him in that state you do start to care.
There's something wrong with it I agree. It doesn't hang together. Possibly it's the fault of a first-time director who was maybe forced to make changes and edits by his producers or the distributors.
Still, I don't think it deserved being panned so heavily and, as I say, I enjoyed watching it - getting more from it on a second or third occasion.
It's the lousy script, indy. Spader does his best, which cannot be said of all his performances (eg Curtain Call. ---------------------- Nicebat: party animal.
I don't think it was the script, Rose, IMO it was the editing and I don't think Keanu Reeves helped. I felt he was just going through the motions but, then again, fans of his raved about his depiction of evil. I can't see it. When he was doing that dance at the beginning I imagined him saying "Oh sh*t do I have to?" and when he was told "Yes" he just wriggled with a bored expression on his face.
Saw it tonight, thought it was pretty decent. Spader is always a disturbed anti hero, marisa tomei is always hot, and considering i already hate keanu reeves, he was cast perfectly as a guy youre supposed to hate. I can't see how this movie would get such bad reviews. at the worst, it was an average film, but by no means was it bad, in my opinion.
If you read the trivia section of this board, the reason why Reaves was reticent about this movie is they paid the other actors a lot more money. He tried to get out of it at first, but decided it wasn't worth sueing them over. They wrote a bigger part for him, but he was still irked at the pay difference. He had promised to do the movie a long time before it was made. They wrote the role for him, I believe.
~Voltaire: (When asked on his deathbed to forswear Satan) "This is no time to make enemies"~
the reason why Reaves was reticent about this movie is they paid the other actors a lot more money.
Not really. He wasn't interested in the script and wanted to turn it down, but a friend forged his signature on the contract. He couldn't prove it was a forgery, and thought it would be less of a hassle to just make the film.
There's always it seems going to be a big chunk of people- haters that knock good movies. Is it that they're picky or are they just a--holes? I don't get it. This was a perfectly good movie. For one thing, some were saying there wasn't enough suspense and plot twists. Jeez, how much do you need, I say it was a great combo. Two, some said the cops were shown to be buffoons, letting him go with helicopter etc.. When you watch shows like "cops" and stuff, they show people they catch, not ones that get away. I hate to admit it, but I've gotten away quite a few times from cops to get out of tickets. (Chasing me, etc.., I know it sounds hard to believe but it's easier than you think, the trick is not to out run in a straight line, but hide quickly). That was in my wilder days of driving too fast and without state inspection stickers, etc.. Lots more people get away then you may think. In Dexter, he often kills people in empty houses. We looked at a house for sale one time that had what looked like blood on the floor, (even my husband's dad and uncle said it was and we didn't even bring it up first), and we found a gun in the attic. We told the cops and they couldn't have been less interested. They never even looked into it. About the passive women, like someone said, from behind and suprise, it's only natural that he could take quick control over them. The homeless girl faught (sp?) and ran, so it wasn't always the case. About K Reeves being wooden. That's a good way to act when someone is a psychopath with no feelings or emotions. I'm glad some people are wooden. Maybe that's the Asian part of him, politically correctness aside. That is a natural state of being for some people, why shouldn't an actor be wooden too. We need people to portray wooden people too. I feel a little sorry for the artists that go to the trouble to make a great film, and know that they may read some dumkoff's idiot knocks about their hard work. Like they've probably done something impressive in their life that gives them the right to sit and criticise (sp?) so maliciously. What if their snappy little 'witism' actually was partially responsible for causing someone great to quit the biz? Some snappy little yapper poster could be the pebble in the pond to cause the rest of the world to be deprived of someone great. It happens everyday, great people get tired of it all and quit. Do these psychic bullys give a crap that their actions are part of the whole that can influence something wonderful? They're probably so filled with hate they have to spew it everywhere they go any time they can. Well, what goes around comes around, but it's still not right. Sure everyone's entitled to their opinion, but some people's opinions aren't bells of truth, more like spinning vomit machines just for fun. Like people who kill animals or hit people's mail boxes with baseball bats, just being mean to be mean. When I see a perfectly good movie, then read on here someone trashing it, I wonder, what kind of mind do they have? Are they a snob? A bully? A hater? Mentally incompetant? What? I could see someone saying, this part or that part could use some improvement, but to be so mean, and uncalled for. Not just this one but every movie I've ever seen on this site. Whatever....
~Voltaire- (When asked on his deathbed to foreswear Satan) This isn't the time to be making enemies~
I'm glad some people are wooden. Maybe that's the Asian part of him, politically correctness aside. That is a natural state of being for some people, why shouldn't an actor be wooden too. We need people to portray wooden people too.
I was going to say 'like me!', but then I realised that I'm Asian, and that would kind of... well.
I didn't think it was bad, either. Not great, but not bad. Pretty run-of-the-mill for a serial killer flick.
Did you know before watching the movie that Reeves did the movie reluctantly? If so, maybe knowing that affected your judgment of his performance.
I watched it not knowing anything about the movie's history. I thought Reeves did a decent job of capturing the creepiness and ability to charm that we're told serial killers like Ted Bundy have. I didn't pick up on anything that made me think he did not enjoy playing the character -- certainly the character seemed to be enjoying himself, particularly the scene with Spader in the graveyard.
James Spader was awful because he didn't act like a character, but he acted like an actor trying to act. That's the problem in all of his movies and even TV shows. He's always the same, which in some cases is Ok, but not for him because he tries to act like this cool guy who knows everything, who's tortured, and loves the ladies bleh bleh bleh... He was basically worse than David Caruso in CSI:Miami. Keanu wasn't even acting! it's like he was reading a script, moving his head around like some surfer dude trying to act serious - he was good in Street Kings, which is recent and actually pretty good.
And the fact that i had NEVER heard of this movie before was a sign that it wasn't great , but i wanted to have some good old laugh at a bad movie... I had it
This will probably be the first and last time I ever say this, but I thought this film's script was actually really good. It was just destroyed by bad directing, bad music, bad editing, etc. Guess it goes to disprove the old theory that any movie with a good script is going to be a good movie.
I overall liked the movie. Have there been better films? Yes there have, but this one was competent, decent, had interesting dialogue and character, I really enjoy james spader, and though I am not a keanu reeves fan, I do like him in this. I think this film, bill and ted, constantine, and the day the earth stood still where the only movies I actually liked him in.