Is it just me or?

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that the actors in these roles should have been reversed. James Spader should have played the killer and Keanu Reeves should have played the cop.

I just don't see Keanu Reeves playing any killer parts. James Spader does very well at playing very odd roles, so why not him as a killer. After all he played the part of Lee Woods in the movie '2 Days in the Valley' to perfection.

I think this movie would have been better if the roles were reversed. It wasn't a terrible movie, it just couldn't keep my interest, the actors just weren't believable enough in their roles.


Keanu dies, thus the roles are correct.


Keanu dies, thus the roles are correct.


right you are


No, it's not just you. In fact, I clicked on your post knowing EXACTLY what it would be about. That is just what I was thinking when they first released this film. Not that Spader can't play the hero. He has and very well. However, Reeves looks like he was clearly acting out the role and was completely unconvincing as a heartless killer. I half-expected him to blurt out a "No (pause) Wayyyy" or a "Woe!" or even a "Bogus!". Not that he's a bad actor, he was just miscast.


I wonder who cast Keanu to play this serial killer character. It is funny to watch and I won't buy it.
I remember Kathy Bates playing the Secretary of Defense in the Day the Earth Stood Still. I like Kathy very much but she just does not look tough enough to play the role.



That's not a huge leap to make. I think it could certainly work more obviously with the roles flipped, but I had no trouble with either performance with the current casting.

Nothing hits you harder than the ground!


Sorry but I thought they were each perfect in their roles. Keanu plays a cop a couple of he always has to play a cop? Keanu has been a very evil guy, in a few films. I think he excels at it. The director did the casting.


Actually, I kinda like Keanu as the crazed bad guy for a change and he does a good job at being evil in a few of his movies. James is also pretty decent as the troubled good guy.


I agree, they were pretty damn good in their roles, very convincing. Keanu was evil in here, lol!

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.


I think that was the point though. Can you picture James Spader being a killer that seems harmless but kills women after seducing them?


Keanu is perfect for a serial killer / psychopath because he simply is emotionless in his roles!

Who was the first that forged the deadly blade? Of rugged steel his savage soul was made - Tibullus



Yes, I can totally see Spader in that part.


That was literally the first thought that came to mind once the opening sequence revealed Spader as the cop. It seemed a waste of Spader's talents to portray him as the wooden and laconic character, particularly since Reeves does it so naturally!
Spader is always riveting, but this wasn't one his more memorable performances.


See Keanu in The Gift, perfect psycho.


yes, he was perfect in The Gift.


He looks like Trent Reznor in the film so I'd say serial killer is about right.

Conquer your fear, and I promise you, you will conquer death.


Reeves was actually offered the Spader role but he opted to play the baddie instead. I read this in an interview somewhere.


Actually, Reeves intended to turn the movie down flat. A "friend" of his signed his name to the contract and sent it in, probably as a joke. Rather than go through a lawsuit and prove he didn't, Reeves just elected to do the role. However, he refused to participate in any promotions, which some believe contributed to the movie failing at the box office.
