
I guess I missed like the starting half an hour...can someone tell me what happened




Sorry you had to wait a whole year for this response. It starts out with Ron (Eddie Furlong) just entering the prison system. They show a flashback of his trial where it is explained that the local politicians (in an election year) wanted to make an example out of him because he is an educated rich white guy who had every opportunity to fly straight. If they didn't put him in jail, then how would it look with them putting only poor minorities away for long-term sentences? (Also we learn from the trial that Ron was busted with only a large quantity of marijuana) Ron, young attractive hot stud he is, doesn't want to be no punk, he eventually forms an allegiance with Earl (Willem Dafoe) after asking for some favors, including looking over his court case. (Earl is established as the smartest and most powerful convict, able to move freely throughout the prison.) Also, Ron's dad is shown as a shrewd prick of a businessman who doesn't even have the time to attend his son's trial, as opposed to later when he shows up for visitation all distraught with the camping photos.

May I Mambo Dogface to the Banana Patch?
