Plot holes?
Just saw the movie last night and really enjoyed it--more than I thought I would. Great cast, with lots of familiar faces which always make the experience that much more enjoyable.
But it seems that some larger plot point was missing, perhaps it was something that ended up being cut out of the movie entirely, and I was wondering if anyone had any insight.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!POSSIBLE SPOILERS POSSIBLE SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The whole shower scene where the old crazy black guy cuts Willem Dafoe's character went absolutely nowhere. The old guy was found dead later on and we have no idea who killed him. I figured Dafoe's character was going to wind up getting killed over it, but that never happened. Am I missing something obvious here?
I also kept expecting the movie to turn really dark and end up like "American Me" or something equally down, but the movie just seemed to end after it hit its time limit. I dunno.. thoughts?