Why the hate for this movie?
I don't understand the hate for this movie?
It's a low-budget 'Giant Spider' movie, that's a lot of fun....if you just drop your expectations and remember what you're actually watching.
Given the low-budget, I thought NU IMAGE worked wonders with the FX (both the practical KNB stuff *and* the CGI stuff) The night-time CGI stuff was pretty impressive (better than the daytime stuff, anyhow) and the gore was pretty cool also.
When I first saw this movie (in about 2000 or 2001) I thought it had a cheesy charm, and I've just finished watching the first 2 NU IMAGE 'SPIDER' movies again.....and they hold up pretty well.
I think a lot of people that rag on this movie, must have just recently seen it. It moves at a faster pace (and has slightly better FX) than EIGHT LEGGED FREAKS (which was out around a similar time, but with a much bigger budget)
The second 'SPIDERS' movie (from 2001) *did* have an even lower budget and some genuinelly ropey FX, but it didn't stop me enjoying it nonetheless.
Reading a lot of the comments on these boards, it's as if it's detractors are expecting 'Giant Spider Movies' to be like TERMS OF ENDEARMENT or something? At least what little money they had to make this movie, was up there on the screen (unlike a lot of recent mega-budget movies that just "yap-yap-yap")
I like 'SPIDERS', it's a fast paced, fun *little* movie with big ambitions.
"If you're lying.....I'll be back"