Extremely Underrated
In my opinion that is. I never get tired of seeing this movie. I know it's one of those underdog stories and a lot of people just assume all of them are the same. The difference between this one and others are a combination of the situations and the characters. Even though DeNiro's Billy Sunday is a fictitious person in a real story, DeNiro played this role extremely well. I see a post on this board saying this is his worst movie...well I'm assuming they haven't seen Rocky and Bullwinkle. DeNiro's always a great actor, but Cuba Gooding Jr. is mostly either hit or miss. This time, he hit. I would say this is his best performance I've ever seen, and that includes his Rod Tidwell in Jerry Maguire. With these two putting together great performances, it just makes the movie that much more enjoyable. This combined with a few memorable sequences make this one of those movies that I will almost always watch whenever it comes on TV. Good stuff.
Excuse me. I don't mean to impose, but I am the Ocean.