Why not top 250?

I saw this movie recently and thought it was one of the best movies Iwe seen for a long time, then it hit me as a great surprise it was not on the top 250 list? How is that, there are plenty of space there!

Also it had only a 6,7 rank, which is OK, but this deserves more...

Any comments wheter to strengthten or weaken my post is welcome :)

The closest thing to crazyness, is being normal.



i couldn't have agreed more with you. i gave it a 9/10, because de niro's and gooding's acting had me mesmerized throughout the movie. from an objective standpoint 9 is may be a little high, but 6.7 also doesn't do justice


I'll give you 3 reasons.

1 There are so many excellent films and 250 is nothing in the grand scheme, there's probably at least a thousand strong contenders and there isn't the room.
2 The top 250 is skewed by lots of stupid people's votes, or a politer way of saying it lots of people's stupid votes.
3 This film whilst good, isn't REALLY a top 250 (Of all time).
I'm giving it a 7 (I generally vote low compared to most people), and agree that it shouldn't be 6.7, but certainly somewhere between 7-7.5

To summarise I'll hark back to point 1: IT IS a good film, but there are thousands of those.

My Vote History - http://uk.imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=20920835


I was surprised to see 6.7 for this excellent piece of film making.

It surely deserves 7.9 or more.

About being on Top 250, if 'Ratatouille (2007)' and 'Big Fish (2003)' are there, then this should definitely be there too.



So sorry to say but it is because it is about a black man. Some things don't change.


This film is superb. THe acting and the screenplay in particular. Shame there wasn't more like this.


I would agree. Very underrated. Maybe it is the black thing. Hmm, too bad. Very inspirational! Makes me feel like a lazy whiny *beep* each time I watch it!
