How does this get 6.6 while so many crap movies are in the 9.0's?
shareThe simple and only answer: Not enough people are voting for this film on IMDB.
The rest is speculation. What we can deduce from this knowledge is that many of the people who have voted are jerks with no taste in good cinema.
While I enjoyed this film and would rate it maybe an 8/10, it is worth noting that the average user score is much higher than it's average critic score of 49/100. I find the critic score more surprising than the user score. That said, I really enjoyed it and that's all that really matters.
I'm not sure how you can say 'so many crap movies are in the 9.0's' though given that only three films (The Godfather, The Godfather: Part II and The Shawshank Redemption) have an average score over 9 and they are all brilliant in my opinion.
Well, no film voted on more than 10 times. I wish I could recall which film it was, some sci fi channel type dreck. It was voted 9.9 or so. But only voted on a dozen times or so. Clearly the folks on the film came early and voted on it. But a week later it was below 5.0.
I thought this was a solid 7.5. What I didn't get was considering the cast and quality it was so under the radar.
Don't trust reality. After all, it's only a collective hunch.
Call me Krusty then.
And way to insult all those that disagree with you. You've earned my respect by such a demeanor. I mean, you must be right with that attitude, right?
Don't trust reality. After all, it's only a collective hunch.
Is cool. But I am sure movies that you go sploosh over are ones others think you'd be an idiot to like. That is why they make different movies than just what you or I like I guess. But I'd not demean anyone for not having my taste. I'd think it....Hell, I think the Lord of the Rings trilogy is a affront to film, entertainment, the novels and mankind in general. I think really horrible things about the people that like them even as escapist fare. If I let myself think on it too much I will get physically ill with rage and hatred. I feel the same about people who dislike Citizen Kane, Casablanca, Maltese Falcon or Touch of Evil. Or Buckaroo Banzai or Big Trouble in Little China.
Just curious, can you say why you think it is so horrible a movie that it rates a 3.3 for you? I'm not asking you to write War & Peace or anything. Just a thumbnail sketch why you think it is dreck?
Don't trust reality. After all, it's only a collective hunch.
Sorry you're out some "bread" for the DVD. It couldn't have been much, so you should let yourself get over it. I'm more sorry that you couldn't stand a frame of this really unique film with its clever dialogue. The first time I popped it in my player I fully expected to despise it, and was overwhelmed with my reaction. From that opening scene (hilarious) to the final bloody moments, this remains one of my overall favorite films.
"I'd never ask you to trust me. It's the cry of a guilty soul."
I watched it first years ago and I had not realized it was Sarah Silverman ratchet-jawing in the beginning. She was perfect for that role.
The shootout at the end is one of the best I've seen, with only a couple of things bugging me. I will not go into what they were. Other than to say they bugged me back then and still do. You mentioned the dialogue. It was pretty good. Reminded me in ways of Elmore Leonard. But the "Until that day" line reminded me instantly of what was, for me, the best line in 3 Days of the Condor, "For That Day." All in all I found it to be a solid movie of two not-too-bright guys who get in way over their heads in a bloody family affair. Two families actually. Or is it three.....
Don't trust reality. After all, it's only a collective hunch.
And what did it cost ya? i bought it 10 years ago for 5 bucks. "Let it go Indy, LET IT GO"
shareOh come on. 3.3 is around the average for Mac and Me. This is no Mac and Me.
Anything above a 2 on this piece of garbage is too much.
What ever happened to the time when directors realized that taking risks is a bad thing?
I think this a film you either love or hate, as cliched as that sounds. I bought it on VHS after seeing the trailer (this was about 10 years ago), sold it with the rest of my VHS movies. I had watched this one easily 20+ times, and was pretty well sated for a long time. Then one fine day I found myself pondering my navel, remembered it, and popped on to see what its score was on IMDB. I was a little surprised by the relatively low rating, but after reading some of the comments from those who didn't enjoy it, I kind of understand. It's just not for everyone. As soon as I got paid after looking it up I went out and bought it, I still love it.
Why do we like what we like? Who knows.
I've got me git-finder set to pansy...