Saddest parts

What parts in the show got you the most choked up? I'd have to say: Bobby's death, Sully putting his wedding ring on Tatiana's coffin, Bosco's brother's funeral, Bosco waking from the coma (wasn't sad just emotional).


Definitly Bobby's death specifically the part where "Only Time" plays.

Alex's death was more shocking the first time I watched it but watching it back it is sadder. The part with her funeral on the boat was also sad.


Alex saying "tell my mother it didn't hurt".


mindy´s mother´s made me very sad and shocked me, when she tells that she´ll do everything (and probably successful, because she´s friend with "important" people) to put her daughter mindy´s love francis, mentally as retarded as mindy, into jail because of rape.
it´s SO inapprehensible...!

friendly wave




I think that all the dramatic parts were sooo sad because they were written and acted sooo well with such real emotion. Like when Bobby was upsetting when he initially died but Kim's reaction is what sealed it for me. There was so much denial and shock before she actually cried at the end of the episode, there was none of the breaking down immediately stuff or the hysterical, crazy crying you normally see. I can't really pinpoint an exact "saddest" moment but I'll just mention some that haven't been brought up. I think the ending conversation of Falling was probably the saddest (just the reality of it all) and I also thought that the episode where Ty finds out he has another family and basically the whole episode of True Love was especially sad. I'm not really sure why those were so sad, probably because of the reality of it all, wierd I know!

But like the other poster's said, those previous scenes were also really really hard to take and watch. I'd like to add as a side thought the funeral in A Hero's Rest was especially heart wrenching!

Tracing one warm line through a land so wild and savage and make a Northwest Passage to the Sea


Alex Taylor's death - "my mother........tell her it didn't hurt."


when bobby died i cried for a week literally and every time i hear that song only time i cry and like omg its bobby's song! taylor dying was sad too and when during the last episode saying that the guy(forget his name) puts a rose on cruz's grave every day made me lose it and i hated cruz.

I don't suffer from insanity~I enjoy every minute of it!


When Doc had his breakdown in the fire house and was upstairs with Sully talking about 9/11. It was hard to hear his dialogue about that day and wanting to help but there was nobody to help.

That along with Bosco's breakdown in Faith's apartment about his own 9/11 experiences. Talking about how he saw people jumping holding hands, women holding their skirts down, and feeling like a coward because he ran when the tower collapsed.

These were two guys whose characters were rocks on the show. They always managed to pull through the tough spots but they'd obviously hit their breaking points. A pretty good look at reality considering this was a highly fitional show.


When Sully and the chief go to tell Bosco that they found his brother dead, and Bosco's initial reaction. It was heart wrenching, because of his denial, trying to call his brother on the phone and all.


Alex's death and "In Their Own Words/911"



I totally agree with the part about Bosco waking up from his coma being so emotional, I love the other scene when they leave the hospital and he's determined to walk out, by time they get out of the hospital he's getting worn out and asks Faith where she parked, and she says "right out front" and they look out and there's several police cars out front with officers saluting him, and all he can choke out is "thank you Faith" that part made me cry, it was so heartwarming and showed how much she cared about him and it gave Bosco some of his dignity back, that scene was so touching!


one of the things i found most saddening was when sully had his breakdown cause of alcohol and they took him to the woods.

while it wasn't "this will make me cry" sad, it was for me incomprehensible that if they told the department about it he would get fired and lose all his pension and benefits. At least nowadays they would get him some counseling first. even cops get PTSD and self medicate.
