MovieChat Forums > Passions (1999) Discussion > Who were the soul mates?

Who were the soul mates?

It's "fact" I suppose that Charity and Miguel, Luis and Sheridan (ironically neither of these couples got together) and Ethan and Theresa are soul mates. But who was everyone else's soul mate?

Didn't Fox and Esme get together and thought that they were soul mates? Though when Justin Hartley played him I thought that he and Kay were soul mates. I'm guessing Julian and Eve. Who else?


I'd say Theresa/Ethan, Luis/Sheridan, Charity/Miguel, Chad/Whitney, Reese/Jessica, Noah/Fancy and Fox/Kay. I'm most torn on the Ivy/Sam/Grace triangle.






Eve / Julian
Sam / Grace
Martin / Katherine

And thats it.

My job is to inform, not persuade- Dan Rather



Not Kay and Fox for sure!! Fox lied to Kay and his father blackmailed her!! She belonged with Miguel!!

Luis and Fancy only!!! Plus, Fancy got better reviews

I love you, Kristen Stewart. :) You are so beautiful and talented. I would love to perform with you



in fact what kay did to miguel and charity is WORSE than what gwen did to ethan by exposing his true paternity but gwen gets locked up and kay gets the guy?

You're missing something. Gwen was not locked up because of the paternity expose'. She was locked up because of her conspiring to help Juanita kill everyone including children/grandchildren. What Gwen did is far worse than anything Kay did. And that is not even bringing up Johnathan and the liver transplant. Or numerous other things Gwen did, to anyone who got in her way. Yes, Kay raped Miguel, and that should have come out. I believe Charity and Miguel should have been together.

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The way the show ended, that was soulmates.

I love you, Kristen Stewart. :) You are so beautiful and talented. I would love to perform with you.



Ethan/ Theresa

Charity/ Miguel

Julian/ Eve

I still say the finale sucked and I didn't agree with how everyone was paired up except the Ethan/Theresa and Julian/Eve.



I'm glad that I didn't watch until the end then b/c I was a big Shuis fan. Didn't Galen Gering want Shuis to end up together?


Yes, Galen and Mckenzie was upset they didn't end up together. And that Shuis should have end up together married with their son. Soap Magazines said that was the worst finale ever.


Fantastic! The way that they should have written it was Beth portraying the bad Sheridan and then it came to light that Sheridan was being held somewhere by Beth and Alistar and she escaped to come back to Luis. They would fall in love again and in the mean time Antonio would come back and he and Fancy would form a friendship and eventually fall in love and end up together. From what I remember, Sheridan never loved Antonio. She cared about him, but she loved Luis and was only with Antonio b/c she didn't want to hurt him.


Theresa/Ethan, Chad/Whitney and Luis/Sheridan.


I think one of the whole points of the show was Theresa's insistence on destiny. She deemed that her and Ethan was destined to be together because he was never a Crane. Ethan as a Bennett never interacts with Gwen and he never loves her. So every relationship on the show has to be seen from that perspective. If Ethan is never passed as Julian son then Ivy doesn't stay with Julian, she stays with Sam who never marries Grace who never brings her niece Charity to town. Thus I believe Kay ( who would be Sam and Ivy child) does end up with Miguel. So Kay and Miguel are should mates. Luis and Sheridan still can happen so I do believe they are soul mates as well.

Life can only be understood backwards. It must be lived forward


No the point of the show for Theresa is with enough STALKING, you too will win your passion.

My job is to inform, not persuade- Dan Rather



Life can only be understood backwards. It must be lived forward


Theresa didn't stalk Ethan at all.

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I know I'm late to this but I agree. Theresa stalked Ethan, killed Gwen's child, married and slept with the man Ethan considered a father and somehow still won him.


Get your facts straight. Theresa did not stalk Ethan at all. She also did not kill Gwen's child. Gwen murdered her own child. Theresa also it was shown, did not sleep with Julian. So you clearly have never even watched the show since you got EVERYTHING *WRONG*!

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The soul mates of Passions were



Awww I know right.


Everyone forgot Edgar and Rebecca.

Luis was Precious's soulmate, but her love went unrequited.
