MovieChat Forums > 28 Days (2000) Discussion > Favorite Scene II-Eddie's AH-HA moment!

Favorite Scene II-Eddie's AH-HA moment!

This movie had a tendency to bounce back and forth between reality and BULL CRAP. However, one of the 'reality' scenes was when the group stopped at a gas station/convience store in that big yellow bus. Eddie walked up to the counter to ask for the key to the bathroom, when two young boys recognized him. They were waiting for him and walked him over to the father to get some paper for his autograph. While he was signing and talking to them, one of them remarked about 'his cool ride'(the bus). The father of the boys was standing near by and gave Eddie the expected 'what a shame' look. Eddie was a little embarrassed and turned around and caught Gwen observing it all. She looked quite embarrassed for him too. Wake-up call, Eddie! That scene gets me everytime.



That is a very powerful scene. The look on the father's face when he sees the name on the bus that Eddie got off of is very sad as well as Eddie just trying to play off his presence at this gas station to the two young boys who apparently idolized him and the way the father rushed the boys back to their car in an attempt to save Eddie some embarrassment. Extremely well played by Viggo Mortenson.


I watched this movie again on the Oxygen channel this past weekend, and I was very disspointed to see that this scene, perhaps one of the best in the entire move, was deleted!!!! It's just plain CRAPPY-CRAPPY-CRAPPY!!


I just finished watching it on Oh! myself... I have found that I get more and more disappointed by the movies that are shown on TV because they ALWAYS leave out my favorite scenes... not because they were raunchy or risque, but I guess it's just because the movie was too long. Which is a stupid reason -- if the movie is too long, allow a bigger time slot for it to be shown in.


i olny saw this on Oh! and this, i woulda wanted to see!

Out of Focus Film Club *it's better than nothing*
