Falco/Annabelle/Marte l love triangle?
Ok, I actually like this movie for some reason...it's one of those "guilty pleasures" movies where it's not really all that good, but every time it's on you laugh and it watch it all the way through. Well it was just on TNT again, and it reminded me of the one thing that's always really bugged me about this movie...what's up with Martel's odd line to Falco once he's crossed in the locker room, something like "She deserves better than you...you're a sinking ship"? I mean I've seen this movie 15-20 times, at no time in the movie do Martel and Annabelle ever speak to each other, yet this primadona jerk quarterback cares about some cheerleader that up until that point he's had nothing to do with? I always felt like there must have been a longer cut of the movie that had some scenes of her and him, maybe dating before the strike or something, since she does make the comment to Falco after giving him a ride home about not dating football players and quarterbacks are the biggest babies...so maybe that alluded to it. But that Martel line has always bugged me...it's just so out of place and not needed, unless it's just a jerk trying to further kick a guy when he's down. Anyone else notice this, or just reading too much into a throw away line?