the nfl

So if you want to use the NFL team names for a movie or book you need to get the NFL's permission?


Um, yeah. It's called trademarking.

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Yeah, but the NFL NEVER allows it. The only one I can remember was 'Invincible', and that was probably only because it was a true story and they figured they could get great PR out of it. You notice how MLB doesn't have a problem letting movies use their team names and logos. The NFL sucks for this.


there also was the movie The Garbage Picking Field Goal Kicking Philadelphia Phenomenon that used the eagles name, logos, etc.


Actually the B film second string (which had a similar premise to this film) had the NHL teams. Any given sunday was turned down for obvious reasons, not sure what was so bad about this film.

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Movies where NFL properties are used:

-Brian's Song
-Jerry Mcguire
-Little Giants
-Ace Ventura
-Heaven Can Wait
-The Longest Yard(2005)
-A Saintly Switch

I know there's more but I can't think of the names.


Actually the longest yard did not reference any NFL teams. They did say Crewe played for Pittsburgh but did not say it was the steelers. They did mention the NFL but any film can do so. In fact any film can mention NFL teams, they just can't use the logos without permission.

So you could add 'Anger Management' to that list (guy wears an eagles jersey)

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also the movie: Gus ( uses NFL teams. The two main teams used in the movie were fictional, but they showed footage of the LA Rams, Minnesota, and a few more teams in game footage


You need permission and a lot of money.


I think if your making a film about a historical situation like Invinceable and don't change the facts of games played they're cool with it

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