anybody know sign language
just wondering what the deaf tight end signs to the coach when he asked him where he learned to catch like that.
sharejust wondering what the deaf tight end signs to the coach when he asked him where he learned to catch like that.
shareHe's telling the coach that his father trained him/taught him how to play football.
shareYeah his father. I mean, it's the funny part about it is the sign for "father" is repeated and at the end when the deaf TE sees that the coach didn't understand, the player then repeats the sign for father once more.
It's almost like sticking your thumb on your nose and waving your fingers... only the sign is made on the forehead.
(I'm totaly deaf in both ears and know some sign but I was raised to speak and use what little hearing I do have)
He actually said, "My father was a professional football player. He taught me how to play football." Then he repeating "My father was a professional football player." 3 times afterward. Consider this that he's deaf and I'm surprised that the football organization did not provide an interpreter for him to communicate with the football team. But hey, it's a comedy.
In real life, the actor who played as a deaf football player, he is not deaf as the movie descripted. However he did a good job acted like a deaf football player. I born deaf. Grew up speaking, read lips, and ASL in case if you wanted to know how I knew what he was saying. There you go.
I don't know sign language, but I have a pretty good idea what the cheerleader was saying to him in the bar.
Remember Rabbit Ears with tin foil?
I don't know why when people are signing in movies or on TV their hands are not made more visible.