MovieChat Forums > The Replacements (2000) Discussion > So they had a winning team...

So they had a winning team...

The replacements eventually became a strong winning team in the end, probaly a better team than the original team, and in the end they still decided to get the original players back in and probaly lose in the play-offs. Talk about a stupid move.


there's a reason the original team were pros and replacements were replacements...


Did u not watch the movie? Half their posative plays were mistakes then went well. The throw off the defenders facemask into the olinemans hands who happened to catch it and run to the endzone. Even the coach was like "who drew that one up". The movie went out of its way to have John Madden explain all the crazyness that went into a scoring play where franklin caught a tipped ball. How many plays did they show where they executed a play the way it was drawn up and coached?? Thats y they are replacements.


the teams they were playing were also replacement players though the other teams were from semi pro leagues.


We don't really know how good the actual Sentinels were, as we never really get to seem them play except for Martel's slide. They were still contenders though, because the replacements could win 3 of 4 and make the playoffs. And as somebody said, they won those three games mostly on luck. There was some talent there, but there was a reason most of those guys weren't in the pros. Even though Martel was a d-bag and didn't have the heart of Falco, he had enough talent to be All-Pro and win 2 Super Bowls. Much like the real NFL, or professional sports in general, character isn't as important as talent.

See you guys at the 10 year prison reunion - Ben Richards
