
I'm just after completing Residdent Evil 4, and I must say that really enjoyed it. As such, I've been thinking about picking up the earlier games off of e-bay. The thing is, I have no patience for stupidly difficult games, which I've heard that this first Resident Evil game is. So, exactly how difficult is it?

Beyond good. Beyond evil. Beyond your wildest imagination.


Resident Evil 4 is like a simple lower school equation, say 2 + 2.

Resident Evil is like finding the last digit of Pi.


the first three games aren't that hard. they're different from part 4... they have more puzzles and other crap. you should get the games, they're really good. if you have trouble, which i doubt you will, just look online for help.

you and i have unfinished business...


It depends on what kinda games you play... I played alot of Monkey Island, Gabriel Knight, Phantasmagoria, Kings Quest etc. (Point and click games), so I found the Resident Evil riddles extremely easy. Had a few problems with the action, but got a hang of it in the end; the characters are kinda stiff, but still a fantastic game - my absolute favorite ever. All I can do is recommend it with all my heart.
Had more problems with RE4, since Action isn't my strong side. Just completed Professional, and had a pretty hard time doing it. Still love it though.

RE2 and RE3 I didn't like, but I'd recommend you RE2 since you've played RE4, since they are - kinda - connected (character-wise).

Paul W.S. Anderson is the Cancer of filmmaking - Uwe Boll is AIDS.
