MovieChat Forums > Bio Hazard (1996) Discussion > Playing for the first time, and I have a...

Playing for the first time, and I have a Problem

I own a copy of the Gamecube remake, but rather than playing through that to begin with, I decided to download the original on the Playstation Network. (I plan on playing the director's cut because of it's iconic status, then playing the remake because I hear it's the better game overall. Then of course graduating to the sequels and spin-offs.)

The problem I'm having is navigation... 90% of the hallways look the same to me (or at least very similar), and I keep getting lost and turned around. Did anyone else have this problem when they first played?

"Give Me Immortality, Or Give Me Death"


There's maps of the floors to be collected. First one is in the room to the right of the hall stairs, on top of the statue in the centre of the room with a small chest of drawers blocking the entrance opposite it. Push the drawers to the statue and climb on it to recieve the map. You'll soon get used to the layout tho, doesn't take long.

The memories of a man in his old age are the deeds of a man in his prime


First time I played (I was also 10 or so) , it took me forever to figure out how to get the hell out of the mansion.

