Barry: What is this Jill : What is it? Barry: Blood, I hope this is not Chris' Blood, U go and look for more clues i will be examining this!! (And he just stares at it then for ages, Yea great examining lol)
---------------------------------- Something like that, anyway. What makes it funnier is that they are both about 5 feet away from eachother in a well lit room.
I don't remember how Barry worded it, but he was like, "Jill, you should take the lockpick, you, being the master of unlocking, should have the most use of it."
whoever played Richard in the original presents by far the worst piece of acting I've ever heard. I just hope for their sakes that they were told to be as corny as they could. I mean, if your not an actor how the F&%$ do you get into these things.
oh, and by far the funniest line (and worst acting ever) is...
Richard: Jill... be carefull... uhh,uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
When Enrico gets shot: Jill: ENRICO! (The way she yells it has me cracking up every time!)
When Brad drops the rocket launcher for Jill to use against the Tyrant. I forget the exact line of dialogue, but for some reason he calls her an amazon.