MovieChat Forums > Farscape (1999) Discussion > whatever happened to Joolushko Tunai Fen...

whatever happened to Joolushko Tunai Fenta Hovalis???

i last remember seeing her in season 3 when 4 other individual alien beings came abroad which one was included dominars opposite sex was one


She left in Episode 3 of season 4 and appeard again in Peacekeeper Wars and died.


I often wondered why she was written out. Did the actress leave or was it planned as part of the arc, and if she had of stayed would we still have been given Sikozu or Noranti.


i remember at the time it was because of scheduling conflicts; the actress got cast in an australian soap iirc


ive been hearing of a new farscape movie i dont know wat to believe


Fans didn't like her character when series 3 first aired, though I think it was because they felt she was a rush replacement for Zhaan, who was a fan favourite character. Opinion on Jool only really changed after her character had been written out of the show.
