Jason Isaacs...

Jason Isaacs can play a damn good villian. He was so evil in this movie...my gosh I just wanted to rip his head off....Not to mention the other films that I can think of where he plays a villian....the Harry Potter movies, and Peter Pan. He is a great actor, I just wanted to kill his character in this movie. What a heartless creature...


Tavington was a truly hateful son of a bitch.

I'm happiest...in the saddle.


You said it!


Loved when he finally got his.

I'm happiest...in the saddle.


Oh yeah!!! I loved that...I just wish Gabriel didn't have to die..


"My sons were better men..."

I'm happiest...in the saddle.


He also plays a good guy very well, be it a smart guy (Armageddon) or tough guy (Black Hawk Down.) He's a very versatile actor.

And he's handsome.

Dancing Yoda - http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3iaund9nk1rugtvpo1_500.gif




It's still my favorite on screen performance. I still feel he should have at least been nominated for an Academy Award, Best Supporting Actor.

I'm A Broski With A Cult Of Personality


I fully agree about his versatility. He really showed his villain in this one though, and I'd feel confident in guaranteeing that this role is what got him cast as Lucius Malfoy in HP.


It wouldn't surprise me in the least bit.


I believe it's what got him the role of Captain Hook. Haha. He definitely looked like Captain Hook in some of the scenes.

"When Gotham is ashes, you have my permission to die"-Bane


I also like his minor role in "Armageddon."

I know the presidents' chief scientific advisor, we were at MIT together. And, in a situation like this, you-you really don't wanna take the advice from a man who got a C minus in astrophysics. The presidents' advisors are... wrong. I'm right

Ronald Quincy: [holds out his hand] Imagine a firecracker in the palm of your hand. You set it off, what happens? You burn your hand, right? You close your fist around the same firecracker,
[clenches his hand into a fist]
Ronald Quincy: and set it off. Your wife's gonna be opening your ketchup bottles the rest of your life.

Mother Kitkat!- http://tinyurl.com/motherkitkat


He should have won Best Villian!


Hateful character but, from all accounts, a nice guy in real life.

Notable thing: he kept asking the reenactors in the film (the guys who study & live the RevWar life & era as a hobby rather than just as another film gig) for tips & counsel about the way he used historical items or did things.


That's interesting. You have to respect someone who takes that kind of role so seriously. It's fascinating.


I remember seeing this in 2000 when it first came out, I was barely 15 but ever since my first viewing and the hundreds that have followed the one constant enjoyment I get out of this movie is Jason Isaacs performance.
His coldness literally scared me, from the burning of the church to when he is searching through the plantation home for the children.

I've been a huge fan of him ever since and thoroughly enjoy seeing him on screen. Definitely up there as one of the most underrated actors of our time!

I highly recommend a tv series he starred in last year titled "Awake". He acts just as well and is riveting to watch

CHEF: Hey there children!
STAN: Chef, what would a priest want to put up my butt?
CHEF: Goodbye!


I agree....he is a great actor....the way he portrays villians though....is REMARKABLE! WOW!

"In Vino Veritas"


I just wish Mel's character would've killed him some more.

You want to play the game, you'd better know the rules, love.
-Harry Callahan


I wish Heath Ledger would have killed him!

"In Vino Veritas"


is HOT! Sexy villain, especially with the long hair ;)

Life is Good


Oo la la you got a thing for evil villians?
"In Vino Veritas"


Check out the series "Brotherhood", Isaacs is great


Jason Isaacs is easily one of my favorite actors. He plays evil SOOOOOOO well!


Jason Isaacs was definitely the highlight of this film, he was intimidating and brutal.



Quite possibly the best movie villain out there. He is great as the elder Malfoy also. He really get in to these evil men.
