Is it just me or..

does it seem like Bill Pullman is the kind of guy you simply CANNOT ROOT AGAINST? I mean no matter how much he tries in this movie he never got me to hate him or dislike him as the villain. I ended up feeling BAD for him at the end of the movie. I don't know, I guess he's just been casted as the good guy one too many times. Anyone else get that feeling?


I agree.... but why is it we put actors into these box´...... I had kind of the same problem when I saw the new Batman (a fantastic moovie by the way), I have only seen Christian Bale as the america psycho, so I couldn´t relate to him as the hero, and there is no way I can see Liam Neeson as the bad guy....


We're getting a bit off-topic here, but I didn't really see Liam Neeson as 'the bad guy' in "Batman Begins." I thought he was just really misguided; his intentions were good, but as they say, "A fanatic is someone who redoubles his efforts while losing sight of his goal."

That being said, if you guys want another twist-riddled movie where Bill is a less than savory character that you just can't hate, check out "The Last Seduction."

Remember what this world is made of: "LOVE & PEACE!!!" ^_^


i felt bad for him at the end too..but 1st i was like what a scum!..then i felt bad for him maybe cos they show us that he was gonna start a new start he got rid of his wife helped his son n really bad, what had his wife done to him..the moment i saw that he left the envelope on the table n didnt burn it i was like pick it up u idiot burn it come on:S(some issues i know)..neways guys t/c..bye4now..chichi..



I know what you mean. I love Bill Pullman. It was odd to see him as a bad guy in this film. I didn't root against him as much as I would have if it had been another actor.

Tomorrow's just your future yesterday!


i think he was picked up to play the villain, 'cause no one seas him as one. movie is full of unpredictible twists, and if his caracther was played by, gary oldman for exemple, we wouldnt have that much trouble predicting those twists. the way i see it, this movie works perfectly, especialy thanks to pullman



yea i agree with the OP *spoiler* i wanted pullman to get away with it hes a very likeable actor he could have been a serial killer and you probly wudnt want him to get caught.


I ,too, like Bill Pullman. He is very likeable. However, I could not forget that girl. She made some bad choices, yet she did not deserve to be raped or killed, especially in the violent way that she was. His character was responsible for both. I thought for sure he was getting away with it by the end of the film. I felt sorry for him, yet I was still glad he was caught, especially after his ruling in that rape case. I kinda wanted to throw something at him. Does anyone think his wife opened the envelope, heard everything, and mailed it out of revenge? Hell hath no fury.....
