Seven Days in January: With the 6th SS-Mountain Division in Operation NORDWIND
by Wolf T. Zoepf
D DAY Through German Eyes - The Hidden Story of June 6th 1944
by Holger Eckhertz
The following information was provided by Richard Hargreaves, journalist
and historian.
Well, I'm not sure if this helps, but the following is the bibliography for my book on the German defeat in Normandy which comes out late next year.
I'd particularly recommend: Kurt Meyer, Hubert Meyer, Ritgen, Ewald Klapdor, Luck, Poppel and Severloh.
Unpublished sources
Imperial War Museum, London
AL 510/1/2 Army Group B weekly reports
AL 528 Seventh Army Telephone Log, June 1944
AL 785/1-3 War Diary and appendices of OB West, July-September 1944
AL 930/4/2 Personal diary of Alfred Jodl
AL 973/2 Seventh Army Telephone Log, June 1944
AL 974/2 War Diary of Seventh Army, 6 June-16 August 1944
AL 1412 Appendices to the War Diary of Panzergruppe West
AL 1531/3 Daily Reports, Army Group B, June-August 1944
AL 1538/1 Appendices to the War Diary of LXXXI Corps, 2 August-21 October 1944
AL 1547/1-2 War Diary of the Quartermaster of Panzer Lehr Division, 30 December 1943-31 July 1944
AL 1697/3 Personal papers of Erwin Rommel, March-September 1944
AL 1901 War Diary of Panzergruppe West, June-September 1944
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National Archives, Kew
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CAB 146 Files prepared for the British Official Histories
Naval Historical Branch, Portsmouth
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