yami...exactly one of the main problems with this film. The characters were TOO young. This story has no business being told in a high school setting. The stakes aren't high enough, nothing makes sense because the setting and the actors were ridiculous and WAY TOO YOUNG to be portraying what the meaning of this story is actually about.
For both the OP and Yami--In the Shakespearean play it takes place in a royal court and Othello is the only African person in the entire court. He is King. I cannot remember exactly how he got where he got--i.e. if he was adopted etc--but most people in the court are fine with this. Except a few..and one of those is Iago (Hugo). Iago is notioriously one of Shakespeare's most motiveless villans. There is really no reason for his actions aside from the pure fact of racism. There's been suggestions that Othello took advantage of friends of Iago and Iago on the court (i.e. in O that's the basketball court) but really Iago plots the entire thing by himself and manipulates everyone. Yes, Othello does have the pretty princess but it's never shown one way or the other if Iago has any feelings for Desdamona (Desi).
One of the reasons why Hugo doesn't work in this conext is because they try to give him motive. Exporing drug use and parental abuse is interesting but neither the writing nor Hartnett's acting was at all able to stand the compexity of the role and or the story. AND becuase we are past the civil rights movement. There is definitely still racism today, much of it, but this adaptation doesn't hold up.
And in terms of white people being this way, they are no more or less malicious or *beep* up than black people. But really, this story doesn't quite work in a modern setting. It's been adapted in certain plays where Othello is the only white person in an African Village...however, again, this doesn't quite hold up as the white person ultimately has more power, even when he is being taken advantage of, because of the history that's defined the white person's fear of the 'other' minority.
I didn't read this but this paper may be a good one to read to become acquainted with some of the discussion surronding Iago and his motives.