Does anyone remember?

I was wondering if anyone could help me remember an episode I watched 18 or 19 years ago (I was only 4 or 5)? All I remember was that it was a two-part episode and at the end of the first part one of the ponies and possibly a girl were trapped underwater. I think they were trapped in a rock or giant seashell. Does anyone else remember this? Any help in finding this episode is greatly appreciated.
Thanks :)


'Rescue From Midnight Castle'. It was the pilot episode for the series that got cut up into two parts for the MLP and Friends show. It's on the first season DVD.

They don't put people like us in hell, we'd only end up running the place.


Thank you. That was greatly appreciated and now I can find new things to obsess about. Again, thanks :)


Is that the one where some of them turn into the chariot horses? Its driving me crazy


Yeah, that's the same special.

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