MovieChat Forums > Mission to Mars (2000) Discussion > Mars as a red planet is fake.

Mars as a red planet is fake.

Why is Mars always seen as a red planet when recent photos in real color show it isn't like Hollywood portrays it as.

Who decided to make everyone believe Mars is red?

I know Nasa defense force will come and say "oh, NASA never gave the impression Mars was red. They are totally blameless. All the pictures just came out that way because the images where separated into color bands. It has blue skies, NASA never deceived anyone."


Because SINCE everyone expects it to look as they THINK it looks, as they've been led to believe it looks, it needs to look that way in films. Thats just the way movies are. If it had a blue-ish sky and basically looked like Arizona.. people would say .. "This movie looks so fake, like they just filmed it all in the middle of Arizona." .. get it? ;)

"..and three shots disintegrates."


You've got it backwards, NASA don't make it look red because of films.


Because it IS a red planet.

Don't know WTF pictures you are talking about unless you are referring to Black and White photos which show NO color.

Recent images from Mars Curiosity....

Self portrait taken during a dust storm apparently...
Decidedly reddish in color to me.

Backshell impact and parachute, as imaged from orbit.
Again.. decidedly reddish in color.

Here are two identical photos.
The first is the raw image. If you were standing on mars and taking a photo with your own camera.. this is what you get... jpg
Decidedly reddish to me.

The Second photo is the same image but the color has been enhanced in order to simulate the lighting conditions here on Earth. This aids the team in using the photos for navigating the rover.
While less red, clearly the soils are reddish tinted.

So tell me again. better yet.. link them... what are these latest photos that shows Mars NOT to be red?

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


I suspect he may of seen a recent video by Jarrah White that never comes out and says it but pretty well insinuates that Curiosity is a fake. Of course there's all kinds of idiots that agree with him. Some are questioning how a parachute could possibly work in the Martian atmosphere. Nobody has come up with an explanation as to why NASA would fake it.


Ah, So the OP is one of "THOSE" eh? LOL

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


Just guessing. Maybe he's going on about something else entirely.

If you want a good laugh, check out this video by a deranged freak of nature that goes by the name "Hunchbacked" who's supposedly a aerospace engineer among other things. This is so absurd it should really be put on TV so the rest of "THOSE" can see what the path they have chosen may end up leading them to in regards to their state of mind:


I clicked that link, and now wish I hadn't


Funny, right? I've read news articles that say "it only appears red because of the iron oxide in the soil". No *beep* *beep* and my front door only looks red because of the red paint.

'Looks red' is the same thing as 'is red'.


Those pics all look yellowish to me except the last one.
