MovieChat Forums > Mission to Mars (2000) Discussion > This movie Sh*t the bed when they showed...

This movie Sh*t the bed when they showed the Alien.

This movie was so great till they showed the Cartoon Alien, why the hell did they add the Alien that way?!

Did they run out of money?


Wait...what? I'm about to watch this but cartoon aliens???


Me too it was just like prometheus till that alian show up. but still great movie i don't believe it took me 14 years to see this movie :) .


That wasn't the Alien you know from Alien. As Prometheus isn't a prequel to Alien since they aren't done with Prometheus series. The last Prometheus movie will lead into Alien and not before.

I had no problem with the Alien in Mission the Mars, I enjoyed and got lots from this movie that apparently no else got but whatever. You people go watch your boring Red Planet with better graphics but boring to all hell. Graphics mean NOTHING TO ME they are just extra. Im more interested in Story and ideas. This movie gave me many ideas and made me think of things differently. Especially when it comes to what is Science Fact and not and what will BECOME science fact in the future.


I'll never understand this ridiculous debate tactic. You liked the film, and your rebuttal to those who did not is to assume that they liked a different film, Red Planet, which you then bash as being poor. No one in this thread has said one word about Red Planet. Even if they had, it would not demonstrate that their issues with this film were unjustified.

-There is no such word as "alot."


I think it's just a case of that era's (late 90s/early 00s) CGI having aged very poorly. My main problem with the movie, which I enjoy pretty well otherwise, is the overly literal explanation of everything at the end. One of the reasons 2001 remains such a masterpiece is because it retains a sense of wonder/awe/mystery; certainly viewers who want to can make some sense of its final sequence, but the film itself doesn't whack you over the head with dialogue explaining what exactly is going on. Still, I think this movie has been unfairly ridiculed over the years; there are many good scenes throughout its two hours.


Strongly disagree there. Although the cgi in this was passable, at times it just looks bad. A few films released before this actually to this day, have astounding CG. In particular Deep Impact. Titanic, Starship Troopers, Jurassic Park 1 and 2 are prime examples.


I think it's just a case of that era's (late 90s/early 00s) CGI having aged very poorly

This, the film is 15 years old now after all
