Licorice Pizza

If you love Almost Famous, definitely check out the new Paul Thomas Anderson movie Licorice Pizza. It’s strikingly similar to Almost Famous with the 1970s setting, clever use of music from the era, romance between a teenage boy and a girl who is older than him, focus on the entertainment industry of the time, and featuring Philip Seymour Hoffman’s son.


lol I literally just wrote "is licorice pizza this?" then came here to see if anyone had asked


Almost famous had a ton of up and coming actors (men and women), a great story along with a great score

Maybe too soon on the whole licorice pizza excitement…


Licorice pizza is also a superior film.


This post took me there. Very similar mood and feel, plus being based on a few real people from the time. Was the Todd Rundgren radio piece a reference to AF's opening montage? Or am I being too obscure?


Which Licorice Pizza scene are you referring to?


Licorice Pizza wishes it was this good.
