Terminator 3 is an AMAZING Film...

It has fantastic acting (probably the best of the series), a killer car chase sequence that is (mostly) practical in the stunts and destruction, direction and editing that are tight as all holy hell, Kristanna Loken, and the fact that we actually get to see the beginning of Skynet taking over...

I have absolutely no idea why people gripe about this film. People will find a reason to bitch about anything but this should not be one of them. Head on over to "Salvation" for that slice of crap.


At least Salvation attempted something original, even if it was terrible. This f^cking abomination might as well be a remake of T2, minus the intelligence, heart, and attention to detail that made it's predecessor arguably the best action movie of all time. Seriously, if you like this film, you're legitimately stupid.


The Terminator is probably my all-time favorite movie. Terminator 3 is still a very enjoyable movie to me, more so than Terminator 2. I guess I'm legitimately stupid. It's possible to like both T1 and T3.

http://www.trespasser.nl/misc/pta/pta.pdf -->> Planes, Trains and Automobiles script


It's very well made and cast, plus has a very good ending. I just think the silly humor is a little unnecessary


It is AMAZING Claire Danes performance is good
Especially when her dad dies
Nick is good too. Fu. YOU FN MACHINE These computers are 30 years old
WHAT Is your mission? Etc. He's pretty sexy (im str8). Claire is pretty cute in this
Good chemistry between her and john
The ending is good and sad

BHT RISES myspace.com/blackheart60



It's not a bad movie. The problem for me personally is that I just can't help but wonder what Cameron would have done, what MIGHT have been. His shadow hangs over the whole thing, and I would say Linda's too.


I agree. The thing I like about T3 is how John Connor doesn't want to accept his destiny, but throughout the the film he slowly sees that Judgement Day WILL happen and he IS destined to lead humanity and at the end, he embraces it.


I've said it before on here but T3 is one of the most underrated movies of all-time.


No, it's not.

Clark's destiny = Superman, LL &LL.
